Quality, Environmental Management and HS Policy
PROTON NEW ENERGY FUTURE SL – PROTON is a specialist in engineering and value solutions for energy efficiency and specialists in the application of photovoltaic energy. PROTON has developed a Management System applicable to all Projects and activities carried out in the organization. The scope of the management system is:
“Conducting studies on the generation of electrical energy from solar energy, implementing turnkey projects for photovoltaic installations.”
PROTON’s Quality / Environment / HS Management Policy includes the following general principles:
- Ensure customer satisfaction by providing services in accordance with the subscribed requirements and those established by the organization, as well as the legal or regulatory requirements affecting the activities carried out, particularly those related to the safety and health of its workers and the interaction with the Environment.
- Develop strategies that take into account the satisfaction of our customers, ensure the safety and health of workers, and incorporate the best available technology to minimize environmental impacts, promote energy efficiency, and utilize renewable energy and surplus energy from own or third-party sources.
- Adopt a Quality Management System based on processes, as proposed by ISO 9001, with the aim of establishing a systematic approach that enhances a culture of “continuous improvement.” Integrate the compliance with ISO 14001 in our activities to provide services with minimal environmental impact and the best possible energy efficiency, and comply with ISO 45001 to protect workers and their conditions.
- Establish objectives and make a particular effort to ensure the protection of people, work equipment, and production processes, paying special attention to the control of environmental aspects and the control and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
- Periodically review the Management Systems to promote continuous improvement.
- Foster the cooperation, involvement, and training of team members to achieve the set objectives and have a direct impact on the service provided or its environmental impact.
- Continuously evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the integrated Quality and Environment Management System and OHS to ensure its usefulness for the future and the consolidation of the company.
- Identify and evaluate environmental and energy aspects to control, prevent, and minimize them. This requires proper planning of preventive labor and environmental activities and the proper maintenance of facilities.
- Promote and ensure equal opportunities for women and men in all aspects of PROTON’s management and promote decision-making and action based on effective equality of opportunities.
- PROTON promotes honesty, integrity, and impartiality in all aspects of its business, conducting them in strict compliance with applicable national and international legislation. Therefore, we always act under anti-corruption criteria, against money laundering, fair competition, data confidentiality, compliance with Public Authorities, compliance in International Trade matters, and proper handling of insider information.
- PROTON is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and health deterioration of its workers and other people affected by its activity based on the following principles: Establish measures to ensure compliance with legal requirements related to aspects that influence the safety and health of workers. Identify and evaluate occupational risks. Eliminate hazards and reduce OHS risks.
- PROTON is committed to establishing and maintaining effective processes for the consultation and active participation of workers and their representatives at all levels and functions of the organization. It will ensure that their opinions and suggestions are considered in decision-making related to quality, environmental management, and occupational health and safety. PROTON will provide open communication channels and regular opportunities for employees’ active participation in risk identification, environmental aspect assessment, and proposals for improvements in operational processes.
- PROTON will actively promote the health and well-being of its workers, implementing occupational health programs and activities that encourage a healthy lifestyle.
- PROTON is committed to developing and maintaining emergency preparedness and response plans to minimize the consequences of potential incidents and ensure the prompt recovery of operations.
- PROTON will regularly evaluate the performance of its integrated management system and communicate the results to all interested parties, promoting a culture of transparency and accountability.